2024-2025 American Advertising Awards
Conducted annually by the Charlotte AAF, the local tier of the American Advertising Awards is the first of a three-tier, national competition. Those who place in the Charlotte competition move on to compete within our district (District 3 - Virginia, South Carolina and North Carolina). District winners are then forwarded on to the third tier, the national stage of competition.
The American Advertising Awards is the advertising industry’s largest and most representative competition. The mission of the Awards competition is to recognize and reward the creative spirit of excellence in the art of advertising done during the previous year. A panel of carefully selected judges critiques each entry based on a national regulated scale and awards the best pieces with a Gold or Silver ADDY. The 2023-24 winners can be viewed here.
Tickets for this year’s in-person gala will be available after submissions close.
Email us at charlotteaaawards@gmail.com with questions.
Awards Deadlines & Dates
Submissions are now closed.
Awards gala scheduled for March 6, 2025. Additional details to be announced.
Silver Medal Award
The AAF Silver Medal Award Program was established in 1959 to recognize men and women who have made outstanding contributions to advertising and who have been active in furthering the industry's standards, creative excellence and responsibility in areas of social concern. Historically, the Silver Medal Award was given during a separate event, but in 2020, we decided to honor it at our annual Advertising Awards Gala.
Nominators are expected to introduce their winning nominee during the awards gala as well as put together a video presentation. Want to nominate someone for the 2024-25 competition? Please fill out the form linked below.
We will be accepting nominations through January 10, 2025.
Judging Guidelines
Eligibility should rely on the Criteria required by AAF national and any additional considerations of the local chapter.
All nominations should be submitted in writing/electronically.
All nominations should remain confidential. Nominations can be held over for one year. Following two years of consideration a new nomination should be submitted.
Honorees should be selected by a committee of no less than 3-5 esteemed advertising professionals belonging to the American Advertising Federation.
Committee members should not be among the nominees but can include previous Silver Medal recipients.
The local clubs may determine to use local or out-of-area committee members.
The honoree must be a member in good standing of the community and industry. The selection committee should perform its due diligence to ensure such prior to any public announcement.
Eligibility Requirements
Contribution to His/Her Company
The recipient must have achieved success in one of the following areas of work: advertising agency, advertiser, media or advertising service.
Creative Ability
The recipient must have shown a consistent, high degree of original thinking in their field.
Contributions to the General Advancement of Advertising
The recipient must have worked to increase the stature and raise the standards of the advertising profession.
Contributions to the Community
The recipient should be someone who has been active in civic, religious, or other groups dedicated to human or social welfare.
Service to the American Advertising Federation
The honoree should have demonstrated a long-term commitment to the local American Advertising Federation chapter. Service to the corresponding AAF District and AAF National further solidifies the depth of service.
2024-25 Awards Sponsors
In addition to our hard working volunteers, the annual AAF Charlotte Awards Gala would not be possible without our sponsors! Don’t miss the opportunity to promote your company (or self) at the largest advertising event in our community. To learn more about our sponsorship packages, please visit aafcharlotte.org/sponsors