AAF Charlotte 2025 Mentorship Program Questionnaire
Hello, and thank you for your interest in becoming a mentor or mentee through AAF Charlotte.
As part of our commitment to the advertising industry and Charlotte community, AAF Charlotte facilitates a mentorship program in which we pair entry-to-mid level professionals with veterans to begin a mutually beneficial relationship.
If you're interested in participating as either a mentor or mentee, please submit this questionnaire by
Tuesday, December 31, 2024 at 11:59 pm.
After filling out the questionnaire, we will do our best to match professionals with similar interests. Once matched, you will be introduced via email and information regarding January's kick-off meeting will be provided.
Please note: Completing this form does not guarantee that you will be matched with a mentee/mentor.
Program Details
Program Duration: January 2025 - June 2025
Hours Invested: 2-4 hours per month
Next Steps:
If selected, AAF Charlotte will pair up “like-minded” partners to match up personality and industry types.
Mentor/Mentee will not work in the same company together in order to ensure an open and safe environment for the relationship.
AAF Charlotte will host an official kick-off to introduce and initiate the partnership.
Mentor/Mentee should maintain a regular meeting schedule to reinforce the relationship.
AAF Charlotte Speaker Events will provide an opportunity for Mentor/Mentee to gain insights together.
AAF Charlotte will periodically check-in with both Mentee and Mentor.
Mentor Expectations
Set a concrete goal with your mentee
Help your mentee outline a plan to meet their goal
Be accessible and helpful
Set a meeting schedule with your mentee that works with your schedules
Meet at least 3 times throughout the quarter
Mentee Expectations
Set a concrete goal with your mentor
Outline a plan to meet your goal
Stick to plans and be accessible and responsible
Set a meeting schedule with your mentor that works with your schedules
Meet at least 3 times throughout the quarter